Attention: This course is delivered over 4 half-days (3pm to 6:30pm London time, consecutive half-days excluding weekend). If you're interested in the same course but delivered over 2 full days, please click here. Thank you.
This official BRCGS two-day course addresses one of the key requirements of the Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8; the adoption and implementation of a hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system. The course programme reflects the requirements of the standard with regard to the implementation of a HACCP system, and will introduce delegates to the BRCGS requirements, quality systems, HACCP and the background of HACCP, BRCGS and Codex.
This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition programme.
At the end of the course, you will:
Be able to explain the benefits of HACCP and the BRCGS requirements in relation to HACCP
Be able to describe Codex Alimentarius principles of HACCP
Be able to describe the reasons HACCP may fail, and the most common BRCGS non-conformities related to HACCP
Be able to explain the importance of management commitment and prerequisite programmes
Be able to complete the preparatory stages for developing the HACCP plan
Be able to conduct a hazard analysis, determine critical control points, and develop a HACCP plan with monitoring, corrective action and verification activities.
Note: This course is proposed as either 2x full days, or 4x half-days. Please carefully review the date & time options before confirming your booking.